Sunday, December 19, 2004

20 December 2004

William Sloane Coffin again brings us our focus today.

While Christians certainly don't have to take positions on every issue, on matters of justice they have no choice. Said South African bishop Desmond Tutu, "When the elephant has his foot on the tail of the mouse, and you say you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

And neither will God. Remember God's words to Moses: "I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt; and I have heard their cry....Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt. When you stop to think about it, how can God be neutral? How can God do otherwise than side with the oppressed? If God sided with tyrants, God would be malevolent. If God sided with no one, God would be indifferent, which is to say again "malevolent," because God would be supporting tyranny by not protesting it.

I gave the beginning lines about Desmond Tutu to our Confirmation class so they could think about whether or not God could be neutral in world events. In January we are going to begin our study of the New Testament and I thought it would be interesting to see what they say as we begin to look at the life of Jesus - God in the flesh. God's lack of neutrality shows through strongly in that story of "God With Us." Jesus was no simple preacher who was able to disconnect and simply touch the surface of life. He was one who found it necessary to dig down deep into the situations of oppression and hatred and bigotry and put his life on the line in order to confront the powers that find many ways to keep the world just as it is...unjust.

Connection: Tyranny is not something that flows within the Reign of God. Tyranny comes in many shapes within our everyday life - it is not merely in political contexts. With an eye on the way of Jesus and and eye on what goes on around us today try to take note of the influence tryranny has among us...and what are our options as to how to engage it?

Liberating and Renewing Lord, wake us up and shake us up by opening our eyes to the power of your gracious Reign. And when we see your light shine, encourage us to walk within its ways of justice for all. Amen.

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