Thursday, December 30, 2004

31 December 2004

For the last day of 2004 - from William Sloane Coffin.

Let Christians challenge the rest of the nation, not try to resemble the rest of the nation. Let them proclaim the biblical norms for justice that give primary emphasis not to accomplishment, but to need. There is no reason why the well-to-do should begrudge the checks that allow the elderly and the disabled to live better. Why should a nation resent the free medical care that allows poor mothers and their children to see doctors more often?

In our country there is ownership and private property and there will be the rich and the poor. But now, Christians can lift up a voice that doesn't simply fall in line with the status quo of the country. No matter what we have, we have the ability and the responsibility to take care of creation - the whole thing. That means the poor and those without and ourselves. We can do all of that if we, the rich (I use that in a very wide sense), would stop complaining about how much it costs to bring some basic services to the least and the lowest. At the same time, we too must fight for a proper and upright administration of the wealth that is passed on to help others who are in need. Justice begins in our sharing and in the caring for that which is shared so that what is shared will reach those whose lives long for enough. I think we have heard enough from Christian groups who try to make a crusade about "the ten commandments in public places," prayer in schools, gay rights, and only one way of looking at being pro-life. None of these issues touch on justice for the most needy. In fact they ignore feeding the hungry, medical assistance for those in greatest need, care for the elderly, adequate housing, and caring for children who are already here and in great need. We're being told people voted "values" in this last election. I agree...people voted for what had a value for "me and my own kind." All of which can make a very sweet and sentimental sound but we will not hear within it a cry for justice and peace for all.

Connection: When you see a picture or read something or hear something from an elected official and all s/he seems to be dealing with are issues that do not seek the care and welfare of those who are in greatest need among us you are allowed to write or call them and say their actions and words are nothing more than "baloney" and you would like something substantive to flow from their office and their actions.

Lord, we are rich and yet we attempt to keep what we have. We call ourselves the followers of your Son and yet we would rather follow every word of those who would dare not go where Jesus went in his life. Make us bold and continue to call us down the way of our Lord. Amen.

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