Tuesday, September 12, 2006

12 September 2006

Once again, this devotion will focus on a simple prayer before meals.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus...
When we invite Lord Jesus to the meal, we expose ourselves. Lord is not a word we use in our every day lives. Lord reveals who we expect to be the one who has power over us - much like the Lord of a land or district or even something as small as a farm. But in this case, because it is Lord, Jesus, we are inviting the one who is Lord for us. This is the Lord who does not merely come to the table, this is the Lord who has been and will be beside us and with us in and through all things. Even if we live within an oppressive system that uses people as instruments to gain more and more power, there is no Lord for us - except Jesus. We invite to the table the one who invites any and all people to share in the table of forgiveness and new life - the Lord's Supper. We invite the one who received invitations to come and eat and talk and live with those people who were not of much value to others - and yet, this Lord, went in and received and was received by those with whom most would not eat. In some ways, our whole meal changes when we say to Lord, Jesus, "Come." Now the table at which we sit becomes a "welcome table." It is no longer simply a table set for me and my own. As we throw open the doors to Lord, Jesus, we throw open the doors to the world. The Lord at the table is our Lord. We therefore reflect the rule or the power of that Lord. It is here - in this simple invitation - that the meal, the conversation, the life around the table, and then...the life we enter full from the meal takes it shape. In this invitation we show our hand to all who hear the prayer. At this table everyone can expect that the rule of our Lord will be the rule of our time together. Here at this table, it will not be of great concern which fork you use first. Rather, we will take great concern that all are fed and all are welcome. So...Come, Lord, Jesus...

Connection: The most simple disciplines can be a part of the building of the day. When we allow ourselves to focus - even for a short time - on the center of our lives, our lives may just reflect that center.

Come, Lord, Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

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