Tuesday, September 12, 2006

13 September 2006

Once again, this devotion will focus on a simple prayer before meals.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus, be...

This might sound like a insignificant addition. We really need the "our guest" part don't we? And yet, what we really need is this Lord of Life to be...be...for us - the Lord who creates out of nothing...making life when there appears to be no life at all. Really exist.
Yes, we know this Lord of Life is indeed with us - that is the promise - but we are sometimes lost in statements and proposition. What we need is that raw existence that is Jesus, Lord of the Dance, Lord of the Resurrection, Lord of even the depths of hell.
We are fed...we are made full - when this Lord, Jesus, is really present. No matter what is in the meal that is put before us on the table, it is a feast of love and transformation when this Lord of life is...is...is...here with us. We can do little with mere words or a notion of goodness. And yet, we can be led into a new reality when the Lord, Jesus, is present completely - just as each of us at the table. I may have many ideas of what is the way of new life...but when the vision and the truth and the life is with us, the possibilities of life expand beyond our greatest imagination. So...be...Lord, Jesus, be...like a promise kept forever.

Connection: Today will be as filled with the presence of our Lord as anyone could possibly imagine. Therefore, go ahead and imagine that presence that has a way of shaping our presence throughout the day.

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

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