Monday, September 18, 2006

18 September 2006

Once again, this devotion will focus on a simple prayer before meals.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed.

Let this gifts before us and the lives of those around the table be apart of what is to come. Within such a routine action of a meal, the Reign of God comes. Whenever God's people gather and call upon God to be present and the bless we are calling for our God bring forth the life that is a reflection of the Reign of God. This is a reminder to all who sit at the table and all who hear the prayer that we are taking God up on God's promise to be present and to empower us to become the blessing to the world that we are - as God's children. The food we eat...the food set apart for us...the food that comes to us in so many a part of the way our God intends to care for us. Already we are blessed - even when the meal is meager. And yet, we must remember that the food is but one gift at the table. The other gifts that we ask our God to bless - and we need to keep in mind for ourselves - are the individuals who sit to eat the meal. Gifts...all of to one another, let us be blessed so as to bring the face of God's Reign into the world. Our meals are so essential to us. From the table we go off with new energy to engage those around us. At the table we relax and converse and make plans for our lives. Blessed are we who gather to share the meal and again are reminded of whose we and how in the simple act of eating - we once again begin the journey of following our Lord, Jesus, through lives that have been given to us as a gift...blessed.

Connection: Blessed are you for the day at hand. The meals of the day may not be much or they may be taken on the run...but blessed are you who eat and remember who it is that calls forth a life from you that carries the image of God into the world.

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.

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