Monday, September 25, 2006

Devotions - 25 September, 2006

Text: James 1: 26-27

If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearheir religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

From yesterday we need to remember that we are encouraged to be doers of the word. Today we must define that "doing." There is to be a character that will come through in our doing. James lists several things. Self-control - especially in regard to our tongues because, if you are like me, that it the toughest muscle to keep under control...and it is one that bites and attacks more quickly than I would like...and's out there. We must also keep in mind and in our actions those who are the weakest and those who would usually be left off. So, we act on behalf of other...we act with those sisters and brothers in mind...we shape our doing as though there is an impact on them as we act. Finally, stand against evil. This last portion of the text does not mean that we must, as Christians, isolate ourselves from the world (which is quite a popular thought these days). Rather, we must remember who and whose we are and that our identity as God's beloved in Christ Jesus will put us in a contrary position to the ways of the world. At those times, we stay who we are! We do not take on the words and actions of the world when they are contrary to the loving kindness, mercy and justice that is a part of our character.

Connection: With eyes wide open - take to this day as God's beloved. With eyes wide open - watch for the ways we can put the word of God to life and in doing that, we remember some basic ways of being doers. There is a time to share our lives and a way to share our lives. But do go ahead and share lives with others and for others...don't simply let it remain a word.

Compassionate God of all, as we look up from our daily concerns, we pray that we would look up with your eyes so that we will see those around us who are in need. We pray that we will be a grace-filled presence in this day so that your love will be see in us. Remind us also of the way we are to stand within your Reign even as the world around us may attempt to woe us away from your mercy and justice and love. Amen

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