Saturday, September 10, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - September 10, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

SD-10:  Today it is "Livestock" - but that is not what I will take on in this reflection.


It is most important to catch the simple admonition to be faithful to one God alone. The Prophet's revelation is one that counters the life and practices of the polytheists - those who have multiple gods. Later in the sura, we will hear: When God wishes to guide someone, He open their breast to islam (devotion to God). Within the tribal systems of that ancient culture, this was a radical move. It was also radical because - in essence - both Judaism and Christianity seemed to be a failing witness to this one God. Not that they failed - but it was not as true to the devotion as is expected here. On the even of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it might be from this kind of thought that we come up with some of the thinking behind the attacks. This is complete speculation, but at times it makes sense to me. It also will, in no way, justify the violence of that day.

If there is such a strong words against polytheists, then we must ask about those other gods to which people offer their lives. The attacks hit financial centers and military/government centers of our country. In some ways we could say that we have often been called 'the great Satan' because of our devotion to 'gods' other than God. The war-like strategy of terrorism - the willingness to sacrifice one's life - the utter disrespect of the lives of the victims - is part of a cosmic battle against evil. To some Muslims, we - like other societies - have many gods and we are seen as being oppressive and threatening the existence of Islam (devotion to God). Our 'gods' are weapons and finance  some might argue.

Having said all this, it is good to remember that Muslims are to honor Christians and Jews who follow the book. The book gives us the will of the one God. And yet, at the same time, these holy 'warriors' and their leaders have given themselves the power to judge all of us in the same boat. It is the ultimate sin of religious movements that go sour - clumping everyone into one category without entering into dialogue. The beauty of Islam is this devotion to God - justice - mercy. And yet, like extremists in all the Abrahamic faiths, some want to go farther. Some do not merely want to shape their lives around the Word they have been given. They want to be able to judge they world through their own reasoning and interpretation of their own books.

This is all a very simplistic and 'from the hip' piece today - but I think we must all wrestle with what we are doing in our world as people of faith.


Connection: Followers of Jesus are to be the love of God in the world - a love that does not scapegoat or turn the day into a hunt for who is wrong and who can be blamed for life as it is. Rather, we take side with the ones at whom the world is pointing.  Our love is one that pulls us to the side of the ones who the world would crucify. We do that with the confidence that this kind of love will be seen and it will be the power of new life. No violence.


Blessed are you, God of Mercy, for you are the hope of the world as you continue to bless us to be the living word within our day. Let you Spirit continue to move us and make us into a holy people. Amen.




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