Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - September 7, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

SD-7:  Today is a bit of an interlude - an aside to this read through of the Qur'an and my comments as one who has just picked up the book and started to read.


I miss story telling. As difficult as it can be to follow the stories of Genesis and other books within the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, the stories are like precious gifts that I have not appreciated enough. So far I am hearing 'teachings' and 'command' and 'prohibitions' and 'praise.' I'm hearing statements that make much sense and others that come from another time and place that have little to do with life today.
I miss story telling. Within story telling comes an openness to interpretation. Interpretation is a community event. We all read things a bit differently. That difference in reading is good - as long as we share the differences and begin to discuss what is possible and what may be quite absurd. In addition, we may even learn that what sounds and seems absurd my be the most powerful truth to be put before us.
I miss story telling. Tell me the story of Jesus on the water - tired and sad and needing space and yet he sees the crowds (a needy and desperate bunch) and he goes to them and without any conditions feeds them. In addition, the miracle of the people eating and sharing outside the bounds of custom or law or ruling. This was no scene of utter hunger - it was simply late in the day and food was available for folks to eat. We could take this story in so many way and be witnesses to the many faces of grace and love. But - here is what is so important - we must tell the story. We must tell the story that shapes the Good News. The Good News is not a teaching - it is a life story. We read it - we are invited into it.
Having said all of this, the Qur'an also reminds us that this story telling is fine and good - but the people still ignored it. That is, the life that the Good News brings is left to the side and the grace and mercy and compassion of God does not become us. Here in these first suras of the Qur'an, I sense that a 'way' is being put forth - a way with very deliberate gates and fences meant to keep one on the straight path. I must wrestle with what I am hearing. 


Connection: We each have our story or teachings. It is then a question of how we take them and have them become us so that the merciful - the gracious - the forgiving - the creator of all is available to the world through us - as us.


Blessed are you, God of Mercy, for your call to life is the power of life that can change the moment into a wealth of your image. We are in need of such a gift that feeds us and then sustains us along the way today. Amen.




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