Monday, September 5, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - September 5, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

SD-5:  Today I am remaining in the sura called "The family of 'Imran.' The names of these suras simply come from an image or person that is used frequently or named within the piece.
As I said yesterday, there is some harsh language of condemnation used throughout this sura. I really did not know how to deal with it. There is a constant thread of 'if' and 'then' that is always able to turn me away from the reading. Now - am I turned away because I do not like this image of God. Or - am I turned away because it really does point to something I need to hear. Probably both. Here is one example: God loves those who keep their pledges and are mindful of Him, but those who sell out God's covenant and their own oaths for a small price will have no share in the life to come.
First of all, I would have to say the first portion is right on as it pertains to those who walk in a clear devotion to God. At the same time the love of our God is not reserved for or contingent on what we do. It is a love that is the foundation of who we are. It is the power that makes us into the image of God's love. In that way, even those who 'sell out' are ones who our God loves. God's love is the only power that can pull one out of the ways of self-consumption and often makes us 'sell out.' Though I have said that, I must also say that what is being brought forth by the Prophet about those who 'sell out God's covenant' are those who are turning from the life that is this image of God alive within the human community. I suppose I would even say that if we turn from this way, there is no way we will share in the life that comes from such devotion to God.
I guess my point here (and I admit it may not be clear and may be a knee jerk notion) is one of language. Over and over again, I am hearing teaching that is always like a parent attempting to stir a child to do this and not do that. When parents do that, we do tend to punish and reward. It can make life seem like one that is built on reward and punishment - laced in threat. But this One God is more than that. We are refined by love. We see our actions and our deeds as they rest up against a love that has the power to transform. This is the God who creates simply because God wants to create out of a love for all things. 
Connection: There is a strong sense of duty for one to do a pilgrimage a duty owed to God by people. Is the pilgrimage to a place? I would ask that of pilgrimages in all faiths. Mecca may be the place that goes back to the days of Abraham but the holiness of a place cannot be more important than the pilgrimage we all make into the life that is the heart of all our faiths - the love of God. I do not favor trips to the "Holy Land" or journeys along paths once walked by beloved saints of old because those places are not to be our focus. The pilgrimage is always into the heart of our faith and that take place even as I sit here and you sit there and we enter this day. 


Blessed are you, God of Mercy, we know that you draw us into your love no matter where we are and where we see our lives going. Sustain us this day that our devotion to you will open our lives to a new journey where you rule through a mercy and love that no power can overcome. Amen.





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