Monday, November 4, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for November 1, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as wrath-less.If you have any comments  -


I know this is not a word - as such. I wanted to make a point. Wrath is associated with anger and is associated with vengeance and is associated with God. How does that find room within God who is love and those who abide in God abide in love and love in them? God as wrath-less abandons all of the ways we project who we are and how we act and what we want and tosses them all to the side. God as wrath-less comes only as the God who loves even to the point in which God must suffer at the hands of all of us who do not want God to go that far. Love in and through all times - love all people? Is this God losing it? I suppose the answer to that question is 'yes.' God is losing or shedding or rejecting our need to 'take back' - 'get back' - 'crack back' and simply try to come out on top. God as wrath-less is an endless love that is easy to reject because we then lose control of how the day will go for us. If God is wrath-less, just think of how the religions of the world would have to change their understanding of life.


O God of love and new life, we are forever thankful for your promise to never let us go. Your love continues to reach out and grasp us and we truly need to be grasped and brought back into your Reign of love that will feed us with the bread of life. Amen.









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