Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for November 6, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as wrath-less. If you have any comments  -


God as wrath-less is the God who saves - the God who revives the dead - the God who looks at the foolish and the knuckleheads and weeps for them as they are embraced without condition. God as wrath-less already understands that we are the wrathful expression of life - we are the ones who hand one another more than enough revenge-filled actions that this God is always to be the one who rescues. As we often will not admit, we are the ones who wish that the other one will be punished - that they will suffer the consequences of their actions - that their action (ones we do not like) must be met with some kind of beating. So as we are in that real-life situation, we turn to the God we have whipped up. In modern day storytelling and in the story-telling of ancient minds, we dump it on God in the hope that if we invoke God's name as the power behind things we might get people to act as we want them to act. My older brother would often catch me breaking something (yes, clumsy) and he would say, 'I'm going to tell mom or dad and you're going to get it.' That 'getting it' could be avoided if I would serve as his servant for a certain period of time. Now I know that my mother would have embraced me not brutalized me. I was tricked then as we are all often tricked by the story of a wrath-full God.


O God of love and new life, blessed is the peace you bring to us as you continue to call us your beloved and bring us into just that life.  Amen.









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