Thursday, November 14, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for November 14, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as waiting. If you have any comments  -


God as waiting is eternally available. No distant God - no 'one day God will' - no 'when you are ready'. God as waiting will swoop us up and hand over the day with all the fullness therein. We may not want to go there. We may resist having God so present and waiting to be the God who rescues and heals and forgives and creates all things anew. Too often we settle for the way things are and leave no room for the God who waits to lift us up to life we may have never imagined. God as waiting is already reaching in to tickle us and move us to life we can so easily leave behind because we think it cannot be ours. Too often, our society makes people wait for things to change. Rather than creating change society keeps what is has and loses its ability to tumble into the Reign that God has already waiting for us. Recently I have been caught up in how slowly the institutions around us act. It is as though we have to make sure everything is just as we want it or can control it before doors can be open wide for all of God's children. God as waiting is not waiting for us to change the world - we tend to not go there. Instead, God as waiting is the God who nurtures and inspires and opens eyes and reveals new hearts to that God's beloved - all of us - will wait no more for life that never leaves anyone out. God as waiting is working - always working for us.


O God of love and new life, we see change and we want change but too often we shrink back afraid of what be or afraid of losing the control we think we have on life. And then, our eyes are open to the fullness of your love that you have been waiting around to show us. Thanks be to God.  Amen.









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