Wednesday, October 25, 2006

26 October 2006

I found this piece on simple obedience by Bonhoeffer to be something to consider more deeply.

Obedience to Jesus' call is never an autonomous human deed. Thus, not even something like actually giving away one's wealth is the obedience required. It could be that such a step would not be obedience to Jesus at all, but instead, a free choice of one's own lifestyle. It could be a Christian ideal, a Franciscan ideal of poverty. It could be that by giving away wealth, people affirm themselves and an ideal, and not Jesus' command. It could be that they do not become free from themselves, but even more trapped in themselves. The step into the situation is not something people offer Jesus; it is always Jesus' gracious offer to people. It is legitimate only when it is done that way, but then it is no longer a free human possibility.

They become "even more trapped in themselves." Giving as we want to give and following as we want to follow brings us into our own little world - created and entered by me alone. Even if I say it is in the name of Jesus, it is still my call to myself to do what I am willing to do. There seems to be a common theme in that last sentence - I. Jesus offers Peter and the rich man a life. It is free and it is ready for them to enter - it is a gift. We do not enter into that offer singing "I'll do it my way." Rather, we are called to bring who we are into this way that is set before us. We take our gifts and our whole lives and we become shaped by the call to follow. We usually say that it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we move into the place into which Jesus calls us. In that place and along that way, we are called out beyond our schemes and plans. My vision becomes the vision of the one calling and that is the power that makes things new and strange and out of my control.

Connection: Sometimes I wonder if we recognized when we are walking along a path that is of our own choosing or one that is a part of this call to come within the Reign of God. I don't like that much introspection because often we never leave it. But I do think we need others to help us discern how the Spirit is guiding us...and where.

Lord of the New Day, we will follow you and yet we need your Spirit to be alongside as the power of new life that brings our actions and desires into question and lifts up for us the opportunities available to us as we follow you. Lead us into your Reign and encourage us as we go. Amen.

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