Friday, October 27, 2006

27 October 2006

We touch the end of the week with a final look at simple obedience with Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

After telling the parable of the kingdom of God and it being easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the the kingdom of God, Bonhoeffer writes:
It can be inferred from the perplexity of the disciples about Jesus' word and from their question - "Who, then, can be saved?" - that they believe that the case of the rich young man is not an individual case, but the most general case possible. They do not ask, "Which rich person?" Instead they ask the general question, "Who, then, can be saved?" This is because everyone, even the disciples, forms part of those rich people, for whom it is so difficult to enter heaven. Jesus' answer confirms this interpretation of his words by his disciples. Being saved by discipleship is not a human possibility, but for God all things are possible.

And God is with us...on our side...standing with us...and going through all that must be entered as we would - so that it is possible to walk within the bounds of the "kingdom of God." In Christ, Jesus, what is impossible becomes a part of the way we walk. It is not because we are able to gain the appropriate skill to somehow move through that eye of the needle. Rather, we trust - like Jesus trusted God each day - that the life handed to us is life, indeed - life for living now. Could it be that we do not need to focus on a way to "get in" but rather can be assured that when we are called to follow Jesus, the way within God's Reign will unfold and we will be placed into the fullness of its life. Instead of worrying about "getting in" we are encouraged to live within the promise and in that promise there is no need to worry about entry - there is simply a freedom to live.

Connection: I imagine that it is much more liberating to begin the day knowing that our God will pull us into a whole new world today...rather than thinking about whether or not we will do the right things that will please God and others. Life may turn out to be more pleasing to everyone.

We praise you, O God, for never leaving us up to our own ways of running through this day. By your grace you offer us a new life and you show us the way to take on the events of this day with new eyes so the this day will be like a gift that we have been given for life. Amen.

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