Friday, October 6, 2006

6 October 2006

We continue with the action of following Jesus - discipleship - with Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Going after him (Jesus) is something without specific content. It is truly not a program for one's life which would be sensible to implement. It is neither a goal nor an ideal to be sought. It is not even a matter for which, according to human inclination, it would be worth investing anything at all, much less oneself. And what happens? Those called leave everything they have, not in order to do something valuable. Instead, they do it simply for the sake of the call itself, because otherwise they could not walk behind Jesus. Nothing of importance is attached to this action in itself. It remains something completely insignificant, unworthy of notice. The bridges are simply torn down, and the followers simply move ahead. They are called away and are supposed to "step out" of the previous existence, that are supposed to "exist" in the strict sense of the word.

The call has an impact on our whole life - our existence. I am often afraid that when people read these lessons about the call of Jesus' disciples that folk will take that to mean that they are called into the ministry of serving as a pastor or a some other kind of rostered leader in the church. But rather, it has to do with being called into that whole life existence of following Jesus. Following will take many shapes of work and skill - but it will be known most for the authentic life that give ground and purpose and worth to whatever is being accomplished. Jesus calls us into a "way." It may be that it brings to us a whole new way of seeing...of relating...of walking alongside the world in which we live. Within the call to follow Jesus is nothing more than the next step within our lives. And yet, within that step is the transformation of all things for now we walk outside of ourselves and within the adventure of that call. From that point, we look forward to where Jesus walks and we follow. Where that will take me...or not known in specifics - as in a plan of attack. Rather, we begin each day with the call beckoning us to step forward and come to life in the way of Jesus.

Connection: The call to follow Jesus will be wrapped up within this day. Keep awake. Watch how things unfold and as we all keep in mind the Christ of God, Jesus, the day will present itself with new life.

O God of All Days, we can so easily become overwhelmed with just the day at hand. Remind us of your presence and repeat your call to us so that in your voice we will hear an assurance that makes even this day - that may have looked worthless - as a day of new life. Amen.

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