Thursday, February 14, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for February 14, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions

God as lasting - love that will not let us go

The perfect Valentine's day point of reference - God as lasting is a lasting love

that will not let us go - will not abandon us - will not turn away even when we

turn away. That is love - lasting love. It is the kind of love that lasts even when

all the 'love' around us seems to fall apart and vanish and, at times, crush us.

God as lasting - God as this amazing lasting love - will never be farther from

us than eternally with us and for us. I find that to be a source of strength so

that I might even love more boldly than I ever expected to be able to love. When

we are held up by this kind of love, the end of the day - no matter what has transpired

- is a day that is tucked in with a compassionate love that will heal and forgive

and make us ready to go back at it again. It is knowing that shape to the ending

and the beginning of the day that empowers us to give ourselves away to others

as a loving force that brings reconciliation and peace and hope to the world around

us. If that is what we can do within the relationships of this day, others may come

to experience the power of our God as lasting.

O God of love and new life, by your everlasting love you continue to nurture us

and send us out into this day so that a living form of your love will encounter

the world and bring that loving reality to life. Continue to shape us, O God.


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