Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for February 19, 2013

God as character

Being alive within the Reign of God is to move into what is 'not yet' as though

we will take on a part of that which is 'not yet' but is intended to be. God as

character is the 'intended to be' - the character that comes alive each and every

time we take the risk to put to life the unbounded love of God's Reign even when

we know we must dabble with it a bit because we are not quite sure how it will

fit. Since the 'not yet' is not yet, we must trust that it is coming and we already

have a part it the way it will unfold. On Sunday we read the story of the Samaritan

who took part in the unfolding of the 'not yet' by stepping across the road and

taking part in the healing of the person left for dead. But more than that, the

Samaritan took the risk that is needed to teach him - and us by the storytelling

- that the 'not yet' does not need to be a story for others to hear. It is an action

and the action is the

character of out God in ways we understand and in a manner in which we are able

to participate. The priest and the levite could only see what is and what usually

would be. There only perception of the 'not yet' was really ruled by everything

they knew - nothing new. So for them, God as character is not filled with life.

O God of love and new life, pull us across the road. Amen.

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