Thursday, February 7, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for February 6, 2013

God on the move who keeps us moving.

When the church says 'Amen' we are saying that we are ready to move. We are ready

for God to be our God and use as instruments of the work within the life of the

Reign of God. We don't say a simple 'I agree' or 'good thought.' We say 'Amen' -

and expect that the world will begin to bend in the direction of our God who creatively

expands life in the way of justice and peace and the reconciliation of all things.

That is a big move - and we are saying in that simple 'amen' - let's go there -

let's move life a bit down that road - let's get up and engage the world in the

name of our God who gives us a way up off of our behinds and into the healing of

all things.

For most of us, that 'amen' may be things that are quite simple - the kinds of stuff

that can change the day - here and now in this moment. For others, that 'amen' is

the beginning of dramatic moves that most of us cannot anticipate. And yet, within

that 'amen' we all keep moving. Even when I am a part of the small movement of justice

and peace and healing, I know that I am a part of the healing of the whole cosmos.

Yes, me - little me - my little actions within this day - a part of the grand reconciliation

of all things. God on the move does not stop and is always finding ways to move

us too.

O God of love and new life, let's go - take us up into your Reigning life. Amen.

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