Friday, January 16, 2015

Redeemer Devotions for Janurary 16, 2015

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a dove. If you have any comments .


The Reign of God as a dove will fly into your life - your space. So, how will you greet its presence. How will the sight of this symbol of the peaceful power of God's Reign have an impact on your life? We can be assured that this dove will not come only once and then leave. No, it keeps flying into our days. As followers of Jesus who have been to the water of baptism, that is part of the promise - the dove keeps breaking into the day and the words 'beloved' will ceaselessly be handed to us. We can turn away. We can choose to move along another way. We can see in the dove something we cannot and will not make a part of our lives. The Reign of God as a dove does not care about what we will do or will not do. This Reign keeps cracking open the world as we know it so that we will see a glimpse of how God keeps promises even within the days we claim to control.


O God of love and new life, break in and set us free - teach us to fly within your Reign.  Amen. 









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