Thursday, January 22, 2015

Redeemer Devotions for Janurary 22, 2015

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as life that gives life. If you have any comments .


The Reign of God as life that gives life doesn't arrive with much notice or fanfare. It simply breaks in and we are left to deal with the possibility for new life that is at hand. Last Sunday I was caught up in going about the pattern of worship that almost comes naturally - almost. But then there was water and promises and a whole gathering of people - all sorts of people - taking part in something as simple as a ritual. Even though I have walked through the ritual of baptism many times I became lost in the possibility of life that comes out of water and washes us all into something more than we ever expect. And then I noticed this person - and then that person - and then a bit of confusion - and then someone simply repeating words to me "the blood of Christ"- and then I wept. I could not stop it. I was handing people the bread as they came forward for communion and I had to simply pat them on their hands be the words as I place bread there. The Reign of God as life that gives life helps us to see within ordinary patterns the stuff with which God makes new life. It is already here - always here - always present - always able to make us re-view the glory of life handed to us.


O God of love and new life, pull up alongside us again this day and invited us to drive along with you in sight as we encounter the day.  Amen. 









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