Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday 7 August 2009

Today Willimon comments about those first generations of the followers of Jesus.

Previously they had made careful, religious distinctions between Gentile and Jew, male and female, now they claimed all such distinctions were destroyed in the inclusive embrace of Christ. Though they appear to have had next to nothing by way of security or property, Paul told the raging crowd of Christ followers at Corinth, "the world or life or death or the present or the future - all belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God" ( 1 Corinthians 3:22-23). There was a sort of reckless extravagance in their behavior. They took everything they had and piled it all together to be used for the care of all (Acts 4:32). They bragged about having no personal property or possessions, now having "all things in common." All.

The "all" is much more radical than - all people. It is also the all of all people. It is as though as we are pulled into the Reign of God it is really quite a holistic pulling. All things...all people. It is as we enter into the cosmic nature of "all" that we begin to be set free of the notion that everything is for me or has to be about me. As that is the character of the community, life becomes wide open and unburdened and takes on a new understanding of being safe - that's quite the meaning of salvation. When God saves, God saves us for life that is unfettered by the powers of the day and the power we give over to those powers in our life. Free Indeed, is the shout of those who have come to see the way life really does open up no matter what we have. Relationship may flourish as they were not able to flourish previously. Grace brings an amazing zest to all life.

Connection: How do you define the "all" of God's saving Reign and how does it help to shape how you are about to engage the day?

Lord of All Hopefulness, your word of new life gives us a new day. Continue to be the encouragement to be free and whole as we share our lives with those who are all about us. Amen.

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