Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday 27 August 2009

Willimon continues to quote from Karl Barth - on hope.

Barth says, "There is no one who does not participate in him in this turning to God there is no one who is not...engaged in this turning. There is no one who is not raised and exalted with him to true humanity 'Jesus Christ lives, and I with him.'" Salvation is not so much a commentary on who decides for Christ ("Since I gave my life to Jesus") as it is a celebration of those for whom Christ has decided (You don't so much give you life to Christ as Christ takes it.). Barth says that it is important for the church to admit this salvation of God "is for each and every human being, and not merely for the people of God."

I find that there is usually a line of people who are attempting to make sure that some folks are not a part of those people who are grasped by God. It might be a part of who we are. We want God to be for us and with us. It can be quite difficult for us to see others in this same embrace. the sheer wonder of this story - this reality - this Reign that is not ours to control. For even the person who runs from anything that has to do with the stories of our God for us and the life-death-resurrection of Jesus, is already a brother and sister. We do not have the opportunity to pick and choose. God's net is broadly thrown. In that way, even those who are quite at odds with us in what they say and do are already those who are claimed by God - eternally claimed. With that in mind, we are given the power to live with them with new eyes. This might be what makes it possible for Jesus to say "love your enemies" since they are first of all the beloved of God....just as I am.

Connection: In some ways when we are asked how many members there are in our congregations, we need only responds...more than we can imagine.

When your love rules, O God, we are brought into a reality that is far beyond what we usually allow ourselves to see. To see our enemies and the other...the stranger...the "those folks," as being with us around the table of your banquet feast is a gift you continue to attempt to feed to us. Help us to sit and eat at this table. Amen.

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