Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday 20 August 2009

Keep on expanding...keep on expanding - again from William Willimon.

You know how, through the ark of Noah, God rescued a righteous remnant, allowing the many to perish. But do you know the full implications of the story told by 1 Timothy, suggesting that God's plan is now more bold than to rescue a religious elite (that is, everyone in this room) from an otherwise botched creation? No one is more convincing than Paul in proclaiming that God's present desire is restoration of all things in Christ:
"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us...he has made known to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth." (Ephesians 1:7-10)

Even as I hold strong opinions about those in the church who will not - at any cost - open wide the doors of our church to the full inclusion of GLBT saints among us, I know that they too are the beloved of God. Sometimes my anger and my impatience wins the day and I find myself thinking we would do better to let those go out the door who are unwilling to keep the doors open for all! At those moments, I am another one of the elites who will only have room for my kind who live in my world and hold my opinions. And yet, we teach about a "Grace that God lavishes on gather up all things in him." There's that "all things" again. Not some...not all only after we have acted in the right way. This is "all" so that it befuddles me and you and sends us into a spin so that when we stop spinning in our own worlds, we come down in a place that is of God alone - God Reign where all are welcome.

Connection: Spin around for a bit before you head out to rule the day.

As you push us off into this day, O God, do not let go!! Continue to have your Spirit of Life tickle us with the reminder of whose we are and the character of life that is handed to us. Amen.

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