Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday 6 August 2009

Please excuse the late posting - a busy day of art. This is more from Willimon about that Christmas event.

Here is a tiny sect in a forlorn corner of the empire, centered upon devotion to a Jew, a criminal who was tortured to death by the authorities, a little fringe group of extremists holding on by their fingernails. They had managed to establish a few pitiful congregations here and there in the hinterland. Though Jesus had once called them the
"light of the world" (Matthew 5:14), their light seemed fragile and dim, no real competitor with the brilliance of the Empire. yet when they spoke of salvation they told of an event no less cosmic and world shattering than the end and the beginning of all things. They felt commanded to proclaim this salvation to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), to enlist disciples from all nations, both Israel and Rome, without distinction. (Matthew 28:19). All.

All may start with the few...the tiny...the other than powerful...the forgotten. From there, that is as we make sure these are brought in and made a part of the saving story of our God, all things comes within the realm of God's Reign. It is too easy to make sure the people with names and titles are comfortable and made to feel welcome. But when the "all" is the wide open address of 'all y'all' - it is for each and everyone who has take a breath and entered the day as God's beloved...that is all without a doubt. It might be that too often we doubt the "all." Can this really be? Is this really the story in which we place ourselves and the story into which we invite others? Wow. We are a much more radical cadre of people than we may think. Under the banner of the Reign of God, comes that world shattering reality that is always alive and yet at any moment may be rejected completely. On the other hand, the Spirit of our God always seems to pull a community of people out into that fringe land of "all." It is an odd group that sing "All are Welcome" and they are truly caught up in the vision of the song and the life it holds up - like a bright light for all to see.

Connection: Be radically lit today.

Spirit of God, help us shine with a light that is available for all in all times and places. Amen.

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