Sunday, August 9, 2009

Monday 10 August 2009

More thoughts by William Willimon on the expansive "all" that is the Reign of God that brings life to simply....all.

On Pentecost, Jews from every nation in the world gathered (Acts 2). In a miraculous descent of the Holy Spirit, this little sect became multilingual, universal. The church was thrust everywhere, showing up all over. Not twenty years after their Savior had been humiliatingly crucified by the authorities, Paul told them that they would judge the world and the angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). They were God's major means of reconciling the world (Romans11:15; 2 Corinthians 5:19). God's whole plan for all the world was being revealed through them (Ephesians 3:9-10). "This was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:26), Paul stood up and preached to King Agrippa. "This salvation was huge, cosmic (Acts 28:28). All.

It is through the people - the many...the varied...the good and the bad...the learned...the left out...the least likely of contributors - that the Reign of God becomes as real as everyday experiences. The church was to be an alternative life. In reality, it was to be a life blessed and a life that was the intention of God when humanity was put in its place and given responsibilities for the well-being of all. The invitation to come within the body of Christ was and is an invitation to be a part of the embodiment of God's gracious Reign that we see in Jesus. It is not a nice and neat pathway. It is a way that had already lead Jesus to the cross at the hands of societal leaders who attempt to control how life is to be lived. a concept beyond my consideration. Each time I try to consider this cosmic salvation, I can only see it in limited terms. I try not to limit it...but that is what happens. Therefore, this notion of "all" is something that must be put on my daily agenda and something that finds its way into the contemplation of the actions and life at hand. The insistence on "all" will always lead us into surprises beyond our expectations and well-thought-out plans for life.

Connection: Just how huge and cosmic is God's saving power within this day...for you?

Bless us Lord God. Pull us and stand with us to open our eyes to see the way your Reign spreads out beyond all that we think we can be. And then, be with us as we walk in the way of your beloved, Jesus. For out there and yet right here is the face of your glory. Amen.

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