Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday 12 August 2009

A preaching note from Willimon.

As a preacher I note that a principal evidence put forth by early Christians as proof of their salvation was their experience of bold, free speech. The same Peter who couldn't find his tongue to tell about Jesus when confronted by the little servant girl in the courtyard at midnight (Matthew 26:69-75), after the Resurrection, stands up and delivers the gospel with boldness (Acts 2:14-47).

I am always asking myself if I am being bold enough in my preaching. Do I hold I not say this or that...and if so why not? Too often I hear comments about how the preacher should not offend people. And yet, the need for boldness is because this Good News that becomes life among us is offensive. I know there is the need to be politically correct or socially correct or business correct, but that is all a part of the "powers in the air" that rule the world in its present shape. The Good News pierces the bubble of the powers so that they are exposed as powers antithetical to God's Reigning presence. But say those kinds of things....again and again...that is always an abiding question and concern. I'd like to sit down with a group of people (from out in the pews) and talk this one through. Maybe this is why Christian education is so important in the congregation. We all need to be munching on this Good News and the life of liberation and freedom it promises...and it delivers.

Connection: How do we faithfully consider how bold we will be as we move through this day?

Empower us, O God. We are instruments of your Reign. Heal us again and again so that we will sing out with the boldness of your loving presence that rocks the world to new life. Amen.

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