Thursday, January 24, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for January 24, 2013

As this is the week we remember the life of the follower of Jesus who is known to

us as Martin Luther King, Jr., I have been thinking about God as justice rolling.

Seeing the wounds of our world is a blessing because we will never move out of our

own world if we do not see the need of others. The Spirit of our God move us toward

healing. When we do not or cannot or will not see the brokenness of our world -

a wounded world - will we ever reach out and become a part of the power that brings

forth healing? When I am caught up in my own world - my own condition - my own wealth

- my own troubles, my energy will be used up within a constant whirl of self-consumption.

I will not take time or have time for others. God as justice gives God's people

the eyes to see beyond ourselves. It is then that our God empowers us to step into

a world outside of our own making and wanting. That is what becomes justice - a

part of the essential character of our God and of all of us who claim to be in the

image of God.

When we are able to break free of lives that are self-consuming and self-focused

and self-indulgent, we do so under the power of God's Spirit. Our God is always

pulling us out from behind the walls we create to separate us from others - walls

that also limit who we see and who it is we will encounter. As God's Spirit tickles

us so that we lose focus on ourselves, we begin to see the whole world - maybe for

the first time - maybe in a way we do not want to see. And yet, the Spirit keeps

up the tickle - keeps on pulling us - keeps on inviting us to take the risk to

engage the wounds of the world and become like a healing balm.

O God of love and new life, roll us up within your never-failing love so that we

are free to see the world as it is and become a part of your healing presence for

all. Amen.

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