Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for January 30, 2013

God as Light

God as Light is the beginning of the healing of all things. For in that light nothing

is hidden - no longer can some people be put away or hidden - no longer is injustice

able to play its games - no longer can the Lord's of death claim to be the truth.

In other words, when there is this light of God shining among us, all the cards

are on the table and nothing is 'up my sleeve' waiting to trump or overpower another.

When we are willing to live as people whose lives are so available, there is always

the potential for greater illumination. I think that means there will be more and

more truthfulness.

We all know that more and more truthfulness is not always pleasant. It is vital

for our life within God's peaceable Reign, but it is not always a pleasant experience.

So - I suppose - God as light enables us to see the wounds we all carry. Most often

those wounds are hidden - we don't let them out to anyone. And yet, God as Light

opens up those wounds for healing and not for the sake of taking advantage of the

wounded. Truthfulness call for us to understand that the light must be used as a

healing balm - lest some be blinded by the light. As someone who suffers from a

type of seizure disorder, some kinds of light can trigger hell for me. Other light

allows me to 'come to life' in a way that is safe. Truthfulness can be accomplished

with light that brings about healing - maybe soft light - maybe very bright light

- but always light that enables new life to grow.

O God of love and new life, be for us the light of this day that will bring healing

and renewal and truth. Amen.

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