Monday, March 11, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for March 11, 2013

God as without cost. If you have any comments - []It would be easy to confuse this with the familiar idea of the 'cost of discipleship'

from Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Don't go there yet. Before we even enter into the life

of following Jesus - discipleship, there is this God who claims us and gives us

life without cost. This is a God who is flat out for us - before we even know that

God is our God. Without cost - we are claimed - we are recipients of life eternal

- we are told we are a part of a story in which our God will forever pull us into

life that heals and makes all things new. This way of our God is consistent through

out the storytelling of Scripture - it has been and it will be. It is easy to want

to jump into how we live as people who are loved and embraced and forgiven and reconciled

without cost - freely - as a gift. And yet, we must not make that jump. In some

ways, we cannot make that jump. More and more I trust that our God pulls us into

a life that is handed to us without cost. It is the word before any other word

can be spoken. It is a truth so vital to new life that there can be no way to get

into the mix of that new life without having it handed to us without cost. In the

beginning was God - and without cost - God brings all things into being. It is

an amazing action that we cannot grasp - we can only take it in like a fresh breath

of air.

O God of love and new life, breath on us and lift us up into your gracious love

again this day. Amen.

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