Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for March 13, 2013

God as without cost. If you have any comments - []Whenever there are strings attached, there is a cost - there is a price to pay in

order to get whatever is connected to those strings. So we begin so many conversations

with 'if'. It could be that we say "if you do this or act like this or go here or

believe this - then, you will have this or that or get to be a part of this or that."

In many ways, people seem to be attracted to relationships that have strings attached.

It is as though there must be a cost - there must be something I must pay - there

must be I can or must do to complete a circuit of some kind. And yet, we are constantly

being reminded of a God who simply gives without anything on our side having to

add up to something first. Unfortunately, many religious voices try to have folks

add up to something before God will count them. Maybe that is how those religious

voices operate - but our God moves and acts without cost. In fact, I would say the

only strings attached to the Good News of God's Reigning love is the string that

God keeps using to tickle our necks so that we will turn to see what is available

for our life - without cost. It is there - when we are caught up in that which is

handed to us - that which trips up our thinking - that which turns on a light for

us, that we are inspired to see and hear the sheer gift God offers us - without

cost. That tickle - that awakening - is part of the power of God's Spirit that

is eternally setting up a new reality for us - without cost. Life as a whole new

reality has a pull to it that will go ahead and begin to shape our response. Therefore,

even if we think we do something to get something, not.

O God of love and new life, thrill us with your life you give endlessly. Amen.

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