Monday, March 4, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for March 4, 2013

God as uncertainty. If you have any comments - []My first words were almost, "I'm not certain I want to go here." We are handed so

much life. There are so many ways to go. There are so many judgments we will make

about what we can or cannot do. There are lists of other things we can do - other

things we can get away with - other things that might be safe and easy and keep

things as they are. And yet, I have consistently said that the Spirit of our God

pulls us into life we have yet to enter. That means we are always on the edge of

uncertainty. God as uncertainty is the God that promises to bring life that comes

in the shape of the Christ, Jesus - life that forgives even when the other side

has made a bloody mess of us and had a good laugh about it. I am not sure how I

will enter that life or if I will enter it. I'm not sure.

But there in those moments of uncertainty our God has a history of faithfulness

that has taken God's people over the edge into what is not yet and that which cannot

be controlled. Our God as uncertainty does not promise to make everything fine and

good. Rather in the middle of the uncertainty of the day we can expect to have to

wrestle with God's graciousness and wonder. As our God pulls us into the uncertainty

of the moment, it is quite likely we will come up with a long list of why we cannot

and should not move forward. Some of those reasons will make great sense to us and

others - and yet, I think our God as uncertainty smiles quite a bit. That we would

know so much - ha. So God continues to pull us and the ride of our lives is just

around the corner.

O God of love and new life, we do not know what is next and we find it so hard to

move out into new ways of life that continue to reveal your glory and love through

us. Continue to grasp us and pull us beyond ourselves. Amen.

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