Friday, March 8, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for March 8, 2013

God as uncertainty. If you have any comments (besides the uncertainty of whether

or not I will send this out) - []Am I really saying that the place in which we meet God is within moments of uncertainty?

Not sure. In fact, I'm quite certain that God is with us in all times. Is God within

that certainty? Certainly! I think I'm always wrestling with how I remember this

God who is always present - always loving - always forgiving. How does that character

of God take hold of me within those times of uncertainty that seem to be able to

mess with my mind and my life? I would usually say 'prayerfully' - that's how.

But prayer, pulls me beyond myself and brings me face to face with the God who promises

to be God even when I am running away a high speed. When my life is rumbling within

uncertainty it is easy to forget about prayer. That is, forget about the vision

of God with us - in and through all things - shaping that which has not yet come

to be. God as uncertainty is God who enables us to remember - to fight off amnesia

- to keep in mind that vision of God's Reign that is able to kick start faithful

living even when uncertainty tries to spoil everything.

O God of love and new life, wrestle with us - pull us into the ring and tie us up

within your presence so that we will have to make a point of touching you and making

sense of what is to be the next move within our lives. As we wrestle with your eternal

Reign, we will begin to dare to approach and enter the moments of uncertainty that

so often make us turn and run away. Amen.

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