Friday, March 29, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for March 29, 2013

God as journey. If you have any comments - []That cross is no place to be. It is the place of rejection and ridicule where scapegoats

are thrown when the world wants to be pleased with itself. God as journey is up

on the cross - every cross in every time alongside each and every person who is

able to be thrown away because other want to have life. Odd. When we want to live

- we feel free to throw other away - we feel threatened by the life others have

- we are willing to nail the other so that we will not get nailed. God as journey

is God for us without exception. It is the whirlwind of forgiveness that cannot

be controlled and therefore is often feared by those who want to remain in control

of life - all life. The cross is no place to be and yet it is the place that shapes

the life that comes through unending forgiveness and love. God as journey will take

us into something we have yet to make our own. This is a promise. This is how the

day is to open before us even when we have been stuffed into a tomb. Wait and see.

O God of love and new life, teach us to dance around the cross and to dance through

its power so that we will be life in the midst of the power of death. Amen.

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