Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for June 12, 2013

This week: God as redundancy. If you have any comments - []More and more I find that worship is the way God as redundancy works. We worship

in the midst of a community because we all need to go over the 'game plan' once

again. We need to hear - in hymns and word and silence and each other's presence

- that our life is shaped by a love - a grace - a mercy - a eye toward justice and

peace from the God who longs to make us God's own. In worship, we have to wrestle

with the people sitting next to us. God as redundancy puts the same people around

us. That is often wonderful and inspiring. At other times it reminds us of the great

diversity of God's beloved children - a diversity we may not want to embrace. God

as redundancy in the midst of worship sets us up to come face-to-face with the living

presence of all the stories of faith that tell us that there is something more than

my corner of the world. The community of worship is the redundancy of God in a form

we can touch and see. We may not like that availability - but it is there. God once

again saying welcome to the ever-expanding Reign of God.

O God of love and new life, fill us with the hopefulness of your Reign that is visible

in our community that worship and praises you for the life you place before us.

Let your Word of Life - in many forms and shapes - open us again to the vision of

your love. Amen.

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