Monday, June 17, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for June 17, 2013

This week: God as lavish. If you have any comments - []God is out there - way out there when it comes to pulling us into God's embrace.

Think of the father who throws his arms around the son who left home with 'daddy's

money' and now comes home after losing it all and being left with no one around

him. There is the embrace - the ring - the sandals - the feast. Lavish love that

will not let anything disrupt this pouring out of love that exceeds what most folks

would say is 'enough already.' God as lavish shows us the fullness of God's love

for us even when we are feeling unworthy or when we forget that this love is forever

and ever. It is then that our God pours in on. In the story of the woman with the

alabaster jar we see what it is to pour on love lavishly - that is what the woman

does. Nothing will stop her - she will walk into that house - find Jesus - and let

it pour out without consideration of the consequences - she will lavishly love.

This life and action comes from the power of forgiveness that enables us to respond

to a lavishly loving God be becoming lavish in our thanksgiving and our actions

toward others. We become lavish with our lives as God as lavish overwhelms us again

and again - even when we do not need our God to be so lavish.

O God of love and new life, you bring more than enough love into our lives. It is

like getting a favorite cream donut that has been over-filled. We praise you for

such sweet and overflowing love. Amen.

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