Friday, June 21, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for June 21, 2013

This week: God as lavish. If you have any comments - []I was about to write it is Friday and therefore the last reflection on God as lavish.

But that is so wrong. Even when there is no reflection on God's lavish love and

mercy and compassion and forgiveness - God remain just that God. No matter when

the end seems to be at hand God as lavish brings opportunities for new life. For

some that may be an unending sense of comfort - even in the face of death or great

loss. God as lavish is a presence that will take us home - all the way - without

any doubt - without any need to perform. I find that it is not always easy to see

or hear that constant word of new life. There are so many other voices that grab

me and so many voices I let grab me. And then in the middle of all those voices

is the persistent One. God as lavish may simply be that by-our-side, never-let-us-go,

always-and through all things place of rest that never fades out of the picture.

So, it is the end - really. Just wait.

O God of love and new life, in the valley of the shadow of death you invite us to

eat drink and be merry when we are being convinced by the powers around us that

we need to give up. Blessed are you O God of the lavish picnic of life that is set

up in the face of all that may threaten us. Amen.

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