Monday, March 10, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for March 10, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as defiant. If you have any comments - .


God as defiant does not let the world go its own way. In the face of evil and the desires that take us to war and cause us to point fingers and move us to speak falsely of others and want to paint some as right and others as wrong, God steps up and says, "I am the LORD your God." Now we can all have any god we would like - and we especially like the kind of gods that give us the world as we want it and as we see it. But God as defiant says 'No' to all of us - because we are all beloved without condition. That is a defiant move by our God. God does not go by the rule of the day or the rule of our own hearts or the rule of our group or our kin. God as defiant is always creating a new heart that resists the ways of our own hearts and minds. God as defiant does not take direction from the whims and fears and anxieties we like to carry around with us as though it is all the 'gospel' truth. God as defiant is always holding out for us the real gospel truth - and it is not filled with our own baggage.


O God of love and new life, we so easily become that which is around us and forget the identity and worth you already have handed us. Continue to step in and hold us even as we are trying to grasp and hold onto life other than the one you invite us to live.  Amen. 






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