Monday, March 3, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for March 3, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as hanging around. If you have any comments - .


God as hanging around brings up the image of Jesus being executed - hanging there like the masses of people who are always considered expendable for the sake of the smooth movement of the powers of the world. That sounded odd as I wrote it. How can a power like Rome - or a power like the religious establishment of Jerusalem (or any religious establishment in any time or place) need to execute a non-violent truth-teller? God as hanging around brings to mind too many instances in which such powers fail - and always will. Within the grand rhetoric of the powers there is always that which speaks of grand benevolence and mercy and peace and justice. And yet, I don't recall and cannot presently see any power that make those words become flesh. Therefore, God as hanging around is a reminder that the systems of power fail and yet they will not let themselves be seen as a failure. God as hanging around shows up at city hall stinking from the uncleanliness of a homeless camp. God as hanging around is the Gay man or the Lesbian woman who shows up to worship every Sunday and does not let anything stand in the way of that table of welcome. God as hanging around does not move away from those people who have just moved into the neighborhood or those loud guys whose music is louder than neighborly talk. God as hanging around persistently gives the world a vision of what can be and what it will cost to make it all take place.


O God of love and new life, teach us to hang around and become your witness of loving inclusion and hope no matter what the consequences may be. Amen. 






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