Monday, March 31, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for March 31, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as breaking new ground. If you have any comments - .


God as breaking new ground introduces us to the God we could not see until the fullness of God's Peaceable Reign was revealed in the full movement to the cross by Jesus. By the full movement, I mean the whole life movement - the saying what he said - doing what he did - eating freely with anyone - loosing the laws that did not lead to shalom. God as breaking new ground shows up on Easter morning to dispel the rumors about he power of death. Death, you see, it not the power it always claims to be - the power we hand death because that is all we can see. God as breaking new ground moves through the confusion and antics of Holy Week and ends up at the wrong end of the powers of the day - the cross. The new ground is not built upon old ways of defining the world. No. Never again. Not even now in the middle of our lives. God as breaking new ground bids us to live as the beloved whose lives will not settle for standing on old ground that we thought secured us. God as breaking new ground shakes up our foundations and invites us to experience life with foundations we may have only considered a dream. 


O God of love and new life, when you shake us up, bring us home to you. Amen.





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