Thursday, March 13, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for March 13, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as defiant. If you have any comments - .


God as defiant will not settle for the world as it is. There are always people who are touch by the Spirit of God who are inspired to walk out of the grip of the world as it is and take part in life that is often called by us traditionalist - eternal life. God as defiant brings in life that stretches through all time. Yes, each age has its nuances and its cultural differences and its intelligent advancements, but God as defiant brings to life among us the way to be truly human in the midst of each and every age. In essence, we become a defiant people - that is, in the image of God. That sounds biblical to me. As we are pulled by the interests of the day - our own personal wants - life that we think 'shines' - God as defiant opens our eyes to needs of others and the ways we can give of ourselves to serve. Our defiance may take many different shapes, but when we gather together as a defiant people nurtured by God as defiant, we begin to see the many ways people around us are inspired to follow this God in a way that fits them. Defiance doesn't always look the same. It is the many faces of defiance in the name of the Love of this God as defiant that helps us see God alive among us. 


O God of love and new life, as we enter this day open our eyes to the love that shapes how we will walk within your Reign. Amen.





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