Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday 21 March 2008

We each must pick up our cross and carry it. This is also the way of non-violence. More from Gandhi.

If one does not practice non-violence in one's personal relations with others and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken...
My optimism rests on my belief in the infinite possibilities of the individual to develop non-violence. The more you develop it in your own being, the more infectious it becomes till it overwhelms your surroundings and by and by might oversweep the world.

Again, the focus is here with me...with the person. Even as I look at the events of this Good Friday, we are reminded that each of us is to pick up the cross and follow Christ. It does me no good to demand that others follow. I must follow. As that takes place, there is always the invitation to other to come along. Sometimes it is by direct invitation. At other times, it is the witness of the new life that brings others along the way. It is a way of action and words. It is a way that faces the possibilities of a new world and then takes steps within its life. Non-violence like the way of the cross is a life theme. Sometimes we may be alone in that walk. At other times, it will be a crowd...a village...a congregation...a gathering of strangers brought together by this life.

Connection: Developing a life of non-violence, like picking up one's cross is always a risk. And yet, that is a part of the invitation because we are entering into a life that is quite contrary to the pattern of the world. And yet, within this day and these acts, the world begins to see some new life.

Blessed are you, O God Most High, for as you Beloved walked to the cross and through the stone, cold grave into new life, be our strength and our resting place as we once again begin to follow in the way as we begin this day. Amen.

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