Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tuesday 1 April 2008

This almost sounds like an April Fool's Day statement.

In non-violence the masses have a weapon which enables a child, a woman, or even a decripit old man to resist the mightiest government successfully. If your spirit is strong, mere lack of physical strength ceases to be a handicap.

Maybe it is the April Fools thing that has my imagination going off on this one...but imagine this. What if the people of Iraq were united under the banner of such a soul force. What would we, the most powerful force in the world, do?!? It is hard to imagine such a movement in a place of so much division. And yet, what if? How would we face up to such a force? What if those many people rebelled in an non-violent manner in order to secure the resources and wealth of their land for themselves? Would we be like the British in India and find that we are acting quite contrary to the values of life we claim to hold among us? The spirit of a people is visible in the humblest acts. In acts that are set firmly on a foundation of hope that is able to propel the most vulnerable and weakest ones into acts of resistance and love and hope.

Connection: The mere lack of physical strength ceasese to be a to would be all the other forms of strength that we use to lord over others. To re-view our notions of strength could be the way we find honor in other ways of being fully human - ways we once may have considered weak or lame.

Precious Lord, we are caught up in the middle of your blessed Reign and yet we so often do not find ourselves following along your way of peace and justice and love for all. We need to be moved by you into the domain you have claimed for us for new life. Amen.

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