Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thursday 6 March 2008

We've been looking at the place of repentance and truthfulness and the spirit in the life of non-violence. Merton keeps pressing with words of others.

The Shepherd of Hermas speaks of the Spirit of Truth as a trust given by God to (humanity), living and dwelling in (them) in order to be returned to the Lord undefiled by any lie. "Love truth and let nothing but the truth issue from your mouth, in order that the spirit which God has settled in this flesh of yours may be found truthful in the sight of (people)...Liars ignore the Lord and defraud Him since they do not return the Spirit received from Him, namely a Spirit in which there is no lie." Hearing this, Hermas weeps and declares: "I have not yet spoken a true word in all my life!" And the Angel tells him that this declaration is the beginning of truth in himself. Of course in this context truth and forgiveness go together, and there must be one truth and one forgiveness both for myself and my brothers/sisters. Both truth and mercy are falsified when I judge by a double standard.

Hermas' weeping is so real. It is wonderful to hear about forgiveness and to hear about how we are forgiven and encouraged into new life...but, how short I fall!!! And yet, the light of Christ's Spirit continues to shine and call us into a new way....always...and...always. Caught in the lies of our lives, there is always the abiding presence of the one who is the power that creates truthfulness. It is always an available gift. If you are like me, this gift is very often ignored as I pursue the ways of life I have in my mind. That is the problem. My mind will always lead away from such truthfulness - it is too tied into saving myself or making something of myself. Here is where that Spirit is needed. Geez...pull me into the truth, O Lord! But then, just as I am pulled into the sweetness of that life, isn't it odd how quickly I am able to move away from such truthfulness. I continue to trust that truthfulness is a gift given to the whole community. Alone, we too often find it easy to spin off into "liar" mode. Then again, we are not about simply truthfulness in our individual lives...we are encouraged to pray for the gift of truthfulness flowing down upon all of us. That is the vision of the Reign of God...this new life of repentance...recreation.

Connection: It takes great vulnerability to let our lies be uncovered. For then, we are invited to be something new...whew...that's not always what I want.

Come, Lord God, and ignite within us the Spirit of your truthfulness and the courage to face ourselves and walk within the possibilities of a life of repentance and hopefulness. Amen.

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