Monday, March 3, 2008

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Merton goes on to describe the power needed to bring about repentance/recovery of one right mind.

This is obviously something much deeper than a mere interiority or a form of pious and introverted recollection. It is supraconscious and suprapersonal. And it obviously implies the ability to come into unity with the prajnatman (the solar spirit), or what the Greek Fathers would call the pneuma (spirit - breath...).

I may be a simpleton, but I need this outside power..this spirit. I know how easy it is for me to crawl into myself or remain in what is comfortable for me. But then there is this pull...this tapping on the shoulder...this heart-felt reminder...this power that does not let me fool myself into believing that I can find rest and peace and hope on my own. It is my bet that many people of many religious and secular mindsets trust in this kind of power that is "outside" of ourselves and yet is very much a part of us. It may be the living force that will help all of us talk and live outside of our boxes and begin to be moved into a wider sphere of consciousness and boldness of life. Can this movement be the movement of repentance?

Connection: Connecting to such a power may be as easy as letting ourselves breath...deeply and without restraint. Who knows what we will take in...and let out.

Spirit of Life, we are unsure of where we will go this day. Our calendars tell us one thing, the people in our lives add to that direction giving...and yet, your spirit blows in, with, under, and through all of this day and we may find ourselves involved with a life we did not anticipate as we started the day. Continue to blow around us. Amen.

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