Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Principles of non-violence continue...

Since ahimsa is a (person's) nature itself, it can be learned by all, though Gandhi is careful to state that he does not expect everyone to practice it perfectly. However, all (people) should be willing to engage in the risk and wager of ahimsa because violent policies have not only proved backrupt but threaten humanity with extinction.

When I consider myself a coward, it is often because I know how difficult it is for me to stick to this path of non-violence. At times, fear or other factors make me rigid and at other times I become as wind-blown as grass bending in the wind. I cannot emphasize enough how helpful it is to know that "all people should be willing to engage in the risk and wager of ahimsa." Even me...and you. We can bind ourselves together to be the encourgemant that makes us move beyond what we fear. We each need each other so that we will remind ourselves just how bankrupt those acts of violence and vengeance and coercion really are. Only by exposing them by seeing the power of non-violence do we begin to choose the path of ahimsa.

Connection: We are all frightened away from the way of non-violence for many and various reasons. Each person is swayed by different powers. It is good for us to share those with others who will help to nurture peace and courage in us.

Blessed Lord, you take us to the the the places we would rather not go, and then you provide us with saints who, though just like us, become the spirit of encouragement and hope. It is as you Spirit is ignited among that we begin to face and move beyond what has held us back and prevented us from shining forth with you light. Amen.

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