Monday, March 31, 2008

Wednesday 2 April 2008

The path of non-violence is one that demands constant attention. From Gandhi:

The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.

I suppose we must become aware of what is humiliating for ourselves and for others. Some of that comes with the ability and willingness to be aware of others and how our actions touch the lives of others. From words to actions, we are to be constantly on guard. That doesn't mean we cannot speak or cannot act without fear of harming another. Rather, I think it means that we must have a greater view of the world than our own short-sightedness or self-centeredness. Maybe one way of not cooperating with everything humiliating is to be a humble presence. By that, I mean, one who is listening and interacting with others so that we come to some understanding of the needs and conditions of those around us. As we act within this framework, it would seem we would come to see when others are being stepped on and put down and humiliated within our presence. We do not have to participate in such activities. We can speak up and we can even serve as one who brings the consequences of our actions to light so that everyone will see how quickly people are humiliated. To be humiliated is a dreadful place to be...maybe that is why people are quick to humiliate enemies and those with whom we disagree.

Connection: I hate it when I look in the mirror and realize that my actions and words have caused someone to be humilated. In those moments, that which I would usually call evil...becomes me. Not a pretty sight in any day.

Lord of All Truthfulness, keep us in the way of your peace. Remind us to build up those around us and not use our time to tear them down. It is too easy to act violently toward others. We long for the power of your Spirit to guide us when we so easily are side-tracked from you peace. Amen.

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