Thursday, June 5, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for June 5, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as at hand. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as at hand presents us with time to act - to live - to enter into the life of the presence of God. More and more I am draw to the stories of Jesus in which there is action - or a story of action. It reminds me that all of this day presents us with the fullness of God's Reign and we are to live as though we truly do reside there. The Reign of God as at hand demands action from us and yet at the same time, we are always faced with the reality that we do not act most of the times. We hold back - we have other things on our plate - we cannot quite go there now. Even in our holding back, the Reign of God is at hand - always available - always nurturing the life we come to know through the life of Jesus. Therefore, there is no need to stay stuck thinking about the things we have not done. Instead, now - once again - is the time to take the Reign of God by the hand and go along with its promises. I find the coming of God's Reign right into our lives to be both frightening and energizing. So, the hand is extended and we can run from it - or - high five it and enter into a new adventure. The Reign of God as at hand unfolds within that adventure into what is not yet.


O God of love and new life, inspire us to walk within the creativity of your Spirit.  Amen.








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