Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for September 10, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror reminds me that all the stories of my life that drag me down, cause me to feel shame, seem to be unforgiveable are take up into this reflection in the mirror. And yet, that reflection in the mirror is not one that needs me to refine or beautify or clean up my act. Most important is the ability to see it all more clearly and honestly than I may usually want to do. The Reign of God as a look in the mirror reminds me that I can do nothing at all to make myself fit into this Reign. God takes me as I am and is always inviting me to turn to no other power but God's love that turns me into all that is needed to be a character in this Reign. Too often folks think they must change themselves - somehow become some other than the person in the mirror - renounce this or that so that we can enter into the life of God's Reign. But, the Reign of God as a look in the mirror is the story of our God who comes to us as we are and who sees God's beloved and then calls us beloved and invites us to reflect that belovedness in the world in which we live. The movement in all this comes from the one who initiates the whole reflection - the God in whose image we are created and in whose image our lives may unfold as God beloved. Yes, that may mean there will be some change - but our reflection is always the same - beloved. So whether I am a scoundrel or a saint, reflected back to me (and you) is one called the beloved and that - that reflection - can change how the day unfolds for everyone.


O God of love and new life, let our lives unfold this day within the glory of your love and faithfulness.  Amen.








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