Monday, September 8, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for September 8, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror says 'back at ya!' It is the reminder that we are not trying to get anywhere else - this is where the Reign of God springs forth - this is where the image of God becomes available through its utter vulnerability. When we look in the mirror we don't always like what we see. Unless our vision has really faded, we are greatly exposed when we are looking into the mirror. And yet, as sight fails, we still lean forward to get a better glimpse - not always what we want to imagine. The Reign of God as a look in the mirror is a good lesson for children on a Sunday morning. To have them gather around and see them all together and then have them notice how the people in the background are also able to be seen. It is among us that this Reign comes to life. The Holy Spirit of the Living God rushes in upon us so as to bring us to see this reality and to see the life that reflects the image of God in, with, and under the life of whoever is in the mirror - me - you - our enemies - our beloved friends. Here and now we have the wonderful opportunity to take in the whole picture and remind ourselves that this is it - let us live with the Reign.


O God of love and new life, open our hearts to receive the vision of our Reign as you see it. Amen.








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