Friday, September 12, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for September 12, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as a look in the mirror is an invitation to each of us to take a look. No need to go someplace else or to work through a bunch of exercise or follow a defined discipline - simply take a look. This is where we are - in God's Reign always available for the life God blew into our lives from the beginning of our journey. The Reign of God as a look in the mirror reminds us of our place. Yes, my being in the world for the rest of this day is a reflection of that Reign that shines forth to bring about the peace that simple is beyond our understanding and yet ready for us to enter. As we look at our flaws and all that we want to change about our appearance or our life situation or our decisions - matters not. What matters is what God sees - and God sees what we see. In that moment, there is an eternal embrace even if we want to reject what is in the mirror. It is that eternal embrace that is the power that takes hold of us and does not let our vision get in the way of God's. It is a strange beauty that is makes our lives part of a Reign for which the world longs.


O God of love and new life, as you view us as your beloved we pray that your Spirit will endlessly attempt to convince us of that which you see in us.  Amen.








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